Shock and Wave Diamonds

Shock Diamond (top) — Wave Diamond (bottom)

Shock Diamond (top) — Wave Diamond (bottom)

Ortho Study for Shock Diamond

Ortho Study for Shock Diamond

This came from an old design I crafted several years ago with the aid of Alex Brady. Alex took the effort to take the design into 3D and inspired me to do this myself ( Although I prefer Alex’s design and presentation, my modifications suit the style guide of the target culture and military of Negria.

Wave Diamonds are manned craft, heavily armed, and designed for high speed strike operations. Slaved to each Wave Diamond are two Shock Diamonds.
Shock Diamonds are the unmanned counterparts of the Wave Diamonds, sporting lighter armaments, but able to travel at greater speeds, enabling missile interceptions or suicide runs in order to protect the manned craft.

November 28, 2019